Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, the terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, pushing it and its police force to their limits, forcing its former hero Batman to resurface after taking the fall for Harvey Dent's crimes.
Part 1 l Part 2
A young boy who witnessed the suicide of a mafia lawyer hires an attorney to protect him when the district attorney tries to use him to take down a mob family.
Part 1 l Part 2
A couple are haunted by a supernatural presence that is unleashed during a college experiment.
Part 1 l Part 2
Blood Alley stars powerhouse action icon Steven Seagal as Elijah Kane, a former cop seeking justice for the death of his undercover team. After leaving the force, Kane enlists Jessica Finch, Johnny Garcia, and Mark Simms to help him find the person responsible for the deaths of his SIU team. The three new team members, each possessing a special skill set making them invaluable to the mission, with Kane dive into a world thick with deception, violence, and personal vendettas.
Part 1 l Part 2
In the countryside of England, lonely farmer Nancy raises her daughters
Hanna and Amy with financial difficulties in her farm with her only
employee Cooper since her husband has disappeared a long time ago. Her
neighbor Karsten and his son intend to buy her farm and are pressing the
family in an abusive way. Out of the blue, wanderer Aden appears in the
farm and helps Nancy with the delivery of the offspring. Aden explains
that he was a friend of her husband Dean in an offshore rig and he
offers to work for food and lodging. Nancy accepts the offer and soon
she has a love affair with Aden. But either Nancy or Aden have dark
Part 1 l Part 2
A small West Virginia town is hosting the legendary Mountain Man Festival on Halloween, where throngs...
Part 1 l Part 2
Douglas Quaid is a factory worker with a beautiful wife living in a
futuristic world where the majority of the earth has been rendered
uninhabitable. For Quaid, Rekall (a process by which false memories are
implanted into a subjects head) seems like just the "getaway" he needs.
Quaid finds himself thrust into the midst of a global conspiracy when
the procedure to implant a secret agent mission into his memory goes
wrong - or does it?
Part 1 l Part 2